Week 15: EOTO-Echo Chamber

For my each one teach one the concept I decided to discuss an echo chamber. An echo chamber is a place where you only encounter people who share the same ideology as you. Specifically, I want to discuss social media echo chambers. An example of this would be your Twitter account, where you only follow people who share the same political views, perspective, and ideology as you. Therefore, you are never receiving new information, only getting the same perspective as what you believe. Echo chambers can lead to misinformation and the inability to be able to discussing different topics with others. Echo chambers also reinforces existing beliefs, even if they are incorrect.

Social media echo chambers are vast, it is very easy to find like-minded people online who share the same ideology as you. Echo chambers are very vaste also because of filter bubbles, websites are able to set up an algorithm where you only see content that you have expressed interest in.

To be able to decipher if you are in an echo chamber weather as social media one or one with your friends. Determine if you are always getting one perspective on situations that are always backed by rumors and if the facts of the situation are constantly being ignored. Now to be able to avoid these echo chambers interact with people who do not share the same views as you. Constantly check different academic sources and news outlets. Also remember just because you may want something to be accurate does not mean that it is, check the facts behind it.

Typically, you can see echo chambers in political views, usually whatever your political views your parents have, then you more than likely will have the same political views. Most children at a young age do not question their parents and believe what they think to be correct. So they may grow up with the same misinformation their parents grew up on.



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