Week 6: The First Iphone

The first iPhone began as a secret project known as Purple Experience project was announced at the Macworld Convention January 9th, 2007 Steve Job told the world about the first iPhone debut. Although the Phone was announced in January, the release of the iPhone was not until June 29th, starting at $499 and only exclusively sold a through AT&T. By November of that year over 1.4 million iPhone was sold.

Before the iPhone, most phones were just replicas of the blackberry, with a physical keyboard, and a stylus. iPhone took all that way and started something original and it took years before another phone was made that competed with the iPhone.

The iPhone change the way that brands promoted, and how we browse. The iPhone was the first phone was had an app store, updated web browsing, and updated music features.  Brands were able to create higher mobile websites to be accessed on the iPhone. Also, brands could create apps to be added to the Apple app store.

The iPhone change everything from how brands promote to how people interact through their daily lives. 

1.) iPhone put the internet in our pockets.

  •  Users are able to quickly access the internet anywhere anytime.

2.)Changed photography

  •  Users began to use their Iphone for photography and began making a hobby and money off of it.

3.) Iphone app store changed how software was created and distributed.

  • Currently there is 2.1 million apps on the app store, from banks, motion sensors flashlights, editing apps, etc. 
4.)Iphone even changed gum sales.
  • Since the release of the Iphone in 2007 gum sales have decreased significantly by 15 percent.
5.) Transformed Apple
  • The year before Apple was released in 2006 their fiscal year Apple made $1.9 billion in profit on $19.3 billion of revenue. As of last year Apple generated $45.6  billion of  profit on $215.6 billion of revenue.
6.) Iphone drove Android 

  • When the Iphone was first release, it was the first phone of its time, with every phone being copies of the blackberry. Currently today Iphone have some competition with a phone that are just like the Iphone and inexpensive. As of 2018, Iphone sold 241 million Iphone while Samsung sold 404 million.
The Iphone has changed the way we live our daily lives, and most Americans today would not be able to see them self without their phone. From regular users, to brands, to journalism, Iphone has revolutionized our lives. 



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