Week 13: Online Social Presence

While reading Fast Company’s article on the 8th grader Sonia Bokhari, I can understand why she decided to opt out of using social media in its entirely. If you do not necessarily grow up with a phone and are just a private, then once you get a phone and see what is being posted it may feel like a violation of privacy. I personally do not like when people post things about me before first checking in with me to see if it is okay. There is a certain persona I would like to have online for my future and I would not want someone interfering with that for a few laughs. Also, it is just a privacy thing to not have your pictures being posted without your consent.

To have social is to understand how it works and the privacy you have on these sites. While reading The Atlantic article on Facebook users not knowing how Facebook works, surprised be but not entirely. Majority of people do not necessarily know how the social media sites works, or even read the terms and agreements that they agree to, including me.

Social has played a big part of my life, but it never took over my life. Social media is how I stay connected with people and how I meet new people. Currently, I have Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Twitter. On the daily basis I use Facebook and Twitter, those are my usual go to apps when I first wake up beside my email. On my social media I do not necessarily put anything personal, I post my pictures and I share memes. A lot of people take social media serious, for me it is just to laugh. Although, I have not posted my private information, I am sure these sites are collecting data about what I like to talk about, and what I like. Also, they have my age, phone number and email address from when I first sign up for the site. 

Although for me social media has never really been a serious thing for other people it has. Social media has created this new term FOMO fear of missing out. Where people see their friend out or just anyone out and they may feel depressed or isolated because they were not invited. So I do believe that social media can contribute to mental illnesses.


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