Final Post Prompt

Personally social media now as I am older does not consume my entire life and day, although I do still find myself intrigued with social media to see what my friends are doing. I do not currently consume as much technology as I did when I was younger, but I still find myself checking social media throughout my day. The first thing I do when I wake up is check my social, so if I say that technology does not consume me as much as it did as my childhood, that is telling something.

I do not necessarily believe technology is a bad thing, because technology is a variety of things and those things have improved our society entirely. Although social media gives a platform for people to expressive themselves, fake their lives, and or be honest. So when children come on social media and see people living their best life, they may feel as those they do not match up to their peers. Which will make you feel inadequate to people around you. 

A study that was conducted by the CDC showed that suicide jumped 56% from 2007 to 2017. Different parents who children have died from suicide talked to CBS News. Most of these parents believe strongly that social media was a great influence in the reason their child committed suicide. Social media normalizes a lot of things and self-harming behavior is what they believed.  Social media gives a platform where people who feel the same way about things can come together with each other and discuss. 

With the study that was conducted by the CDC and published in Clinical Psychological Science highlighted the phone use of teens and their feelings of sadness and hopelessness. Teens who spent more than five hours daily on their phone found out to have more suicidal thoughts and actions compared to those who reported only using their phone for an hour daily. 

Therefore, I do believe social media is a contributing factor in the rise of suicides amongst children. That is where I believe parents should get involved with their children to discuss their feelings and thoughts throughout the day.


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