Week 12: Diffusion of Innovations- Snapchat

Snapchat is an app that connects you to your friends in a different way, you do not have to talk to anyone all you have to do is send pictures and maybe add some words if you want to. Before Snapchat really got big, there was no advertising, it was just posting to your story, watching different users stories, and have a snap streak with people. Most people kept Snapchat for the snap streak, snap streaks let you connect with people every day without having to actually hold a conversation.

Currently, Snapchat has expanded and users are able to create their own filters and buy filters. Users are able to create geotags or even buy birthday filters for everyone in the area to use. Also, advertising became a big thing on Snapchat after every couple snap you may see an advertisement from some company. Snapchat even included different shows, you are able to watch different shows on the app.

Snapchat changed everything about how we communicate. On Twitter you can talk to people, make posts and interact with people. On Instagram you can post and picture and interact with your followers. While on Snapchat you do not really have to hold a conversation you could just send a picture of yourself or a wall all day with someone and that’s how you communicate with people.


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